Termites and fleas are among the most damaging pests in Queensland. While they are not the only annoyance, they also cause illness in farm animals. Luckily, pest control in Queensland has come a long way! Keep reading to learn more about the different types of pest control services in your area. And don’t forget about the important pesticides, too! Listed below are the top five pests that you need to be aware of in Queensland.
Termites are the most destructive pests in Queensland
There are a variety of termites in Queensland. Two of the most common species are the brown flying termite and the king termite. Both species are extremely destructive and may lead to serious property damage. King termites can cause considerable damage to homes and buildings, particularly those made from wood. King termites are especially destructive because they can eat through bitumen and rubber tyres. They will also eat wood from skirting boards and other edifices.
While the termites are not the only ones causing damage to properties in Queensland, they are a particularly serious pest. One in every five homes in Australia is infested by termites. In fact, according to industry surveys, one-third of all unprotected properties is a victim of termite attacks. Recent changes to building construction materials and designs have increased the risk of a hidden termite infestation. These creatures can destroy wall and roofing timbers in as little as three months. Termites are more damaging than floods, storms, and fires combined.
While subterranean termites can be controlled by removing moisture sources, drywood termites do not have this ability. Unlike subterranean termites, drywood termites can enter a building without soil contact and do not leave visible tracks. Despite decades of fumigation treatment, the Queensland government has discontinued its prevention and control program. The only way to keep the termites in check is to use a community-based approach that targets the problem at its source.
Fleas and ticks are common in Queensland
Ticks and fleas are small insects that can be found on people and animals. They are members of the arachnid family and can be extremely dangerous. The most common types of ticks are paralysis ticks, brown dog ticks, and bush-ticks. While they can cause illness and even death, they are not always deadly. Here are a few tips to keep your pets tick-free and healthy:
Before moving a dog to Queensland, it’s important to assess its health and wellbeing. If your dog has been previously treated for fleas or ticks, you can prevent further infection with a prevention program. You can also treat bedding to prevent reinfection from the environment. You can also check your dog’s fur regularly for fleas and ticks and apply preventative products. If you suspect that your dog has E. canis, contact Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23 or the Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888.
Although it’s important to take precautions against ticks and fleas, a general rule of thumb is to keep pets indoors. If you must spend time outdoors, use tick prevention products. If you must be indoors, wear long-sleeved clothing. If you do venture outside, make sure to cover up, and take your pets with you. Fleas are often infested areas like bushes and grasslands.
Termites are a major cause of disease for farm animals
The most damaging pest to Australian farm animals is the termite, and this pest is responsible for a range of diseases in both farm animals and humans. Buildings, crops, and plantations are all susceptible to damage from termites. The giant northern termite, Mastotermes darwiniensis, is considered invasive and has a similar appearance to cockroaches. These insects emerge from the soil as a nymph and moult to form workers, soldiers, and alates.
Numbats are strictly diurnal animals that don’t have proper teeth. Their “pegs” are blunt, and they cannot chew food. As small mammals, Numbats cannot break into termite mounds. They rely on the termites that are within reach. In order to do so, they live in open areas near shrubs and trees. Trees are important as they protect animals from predators, but they must also allow sunlight to reach the ground, which warms it.
Termites are a significant cause of disease in farm animals in Queensland. The pests have the ability to cause serious structural damage to buildings and crops. They live in colonies and are classified according to caste. Workers are the dominant caste, and they are the ones that are the most destructive, with the largest colonies. Termites are categorized by type: worker, soldier, reproductive, and subterranean.
Mosquitoes thrive in sub-tropical Brisbane climate
The sub-tropical Brisbane climate is conducive to mosquito breeding. It is estimated that more than 40 per cent of properties in the city have rainwater tanks, though the actual number may be much higher. In the 1950s, Brisbane experienced epidemics of Aedes aegypti that led to the removal of rainwater tanks. This action effectively drove disease-carrying mosquitoes out of the city, but many people still modify their tanks. Some of these people will remove the sieve from the roof and modify their downpipes.
The climatic variability of the mosquito’s range has largely been due to human activities. Shipments of car tyres, for example, create small ponds of water, which are ideal breeding sites. The mosquito’s range is largely tied to its habitat and climate, as temperature and rainfall patterns have been shifted northwards. The retraction of its range may also be linked to a decrease in the temperature of the winters. As temperatures and rainfall patterns become milder, the mosquito may be able to establish its range further north.
In spring, female mosquitoes emerge from their hibernation stage, where they feed on blood, then lay their eggs. These eggs will later produce the next generation of adult mosquitoes. Only a few mosquitoes survive the winter as larvae, often buried in the mud of freshwater swamps. As temperatures increase in the spring, the larvae begin feeding again and complete their immature growth. They emerge as adults and continue to reproduce.
Bed bugs feed on warm-blooded animals and humans
While bedbugs prefer to feed on humans, they will also infest other mammals. They are also known to feed on cats, dogs, and poultry, as well as bats and swallows. Infestations in buildings can also be caused by these insects, as they feed on these mammals. These bugs may “hitchhike” onto humans and their belongings, so exclusion of these animals from homes is essential.
Bed bugs are small, brownish insects that feed on the blood of warm-blooded creatures, especially humans. They are active at night and hide during the day. Adult bed bugs are small, oval-shaped insects that can range in color from reddish-brown to mahogany. While they may appear to be flat and unattractive without magnification, they can survive for months without feeding. Bedbugs are able to hide in crevices and protected areas.
Bed bugs feed on human blood and the blood of other mammals. Some species prefer the blood of specific mammals, while others will feed on any warm-blooded animal. Although bedbugs feed on humans, three species of them are specialized for the task. These insects are called Cimex lectularius and Cimex hemipterus. Some species of bedbugs prefer human blood over the blood of other mammals, such as bats. The specific blood of a mammal is necessary for them to lay eggs. However, some species will also feed on other types of blood.
Exempted pest management activity
Under the Biosecurity Act 2014, a range of actions and regulations have been introduced to improve biosecurity preparedness and response. Weeds and pest animals can have significant negative impacts on the environment, economy, and community. In order to understand the changes, visit the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries’ website and read fact sheets about pest species management. In addition, contact Biosecurity Queensland by calling 132523 to obtain more information. Before engaging in any pest management activity, landholders need to understand the laws and regulations surrounding the pest species they are trying to control.
A biosecurity matter is a species that is not normally present in Queensland but could have significant negative impacts on the state. It may include animals, weeds, pest plants, and animal diseases. If a person comes across a prohibited species, they must report it to Biosecurity Queensland and take the appropriate measures to control its spread. This is a very important step when working in an environment that depends on the protection of biodiversity.
In order to comply with these laws, a pest management technician must adhere to subsections (1) and (2) immediately before and after the activity. The responsible person must also ensure that a suitable barricade is in place. It must prevent access to the fumigation space or the risk area for the duration of the exposure. The responsible person must also ensure that warning signs are posted properly and not removed or defaced. Finally, the responsible person must test the space for leakage and make sure that the pesticides do not escape during the fumigation process.
Eco-friendly pest control tactics
When it comes to eco-friendly pest control in Queensland, you’ll be glad to know that there are some very good options. The state follows several international and local by-laws, which help guide pest management practices. In addition, the state follows the U.N. Biosecurity Act of 2014. These by-laws are extremely important when it comes to protecting the environment, but they also provide explicit guidelines for safe pest control.
Biological control is one of the most popular methods of pest control in Australia, and it is widely used throughout Asia and the Pacific. Research from the University of Queensland has shown that these methods have saved many farmers in the region. The state has also introduced new laws that require pest inspections every 12 months or more frequently for higher-risk areas. However, using a barrier system in Queensland’s climate is still the best option for protecting your property and your family.
The citrus gall wasp is another pest to consider. While its natural host is the Australian finger lime, it can attack any type of citrus tree. Using a bait spray, eco-naturalure works by combining specific food-based attractants with a bacteria-derived insecticide called spinosad. When applied around trees, these pesticides kill the larvae, preventing them from reproducing.
For more information visit Control Pest Management
About The Author
Dan Croke on LinkedIn
Dan Croke the author.Dan Croke was a disadvantaged young man living in relative poverty in his formative years. This led Dan Croke to become a giver to others, not a taker. In a wide ranging interview Dan Croke explains that coming from a background of “living hand to mouth” in his early years, led to a lifetime of trying to build sustainable wealth for his own family and to give back to people he felt had been left behind.
Dan Croke is now a successful property investor, helping others to achieve financial freedom through investing. This Brisbane man, Dan Croke, who grew up in Warwick, Qld, moved to Brisbane and went on to become a wealthy property investor, having so far acquired almost 200 properties, some of which are individually worth as much as $5M and $10M. He has silently and anonymously helped scores of people over the years
You can find more at the Dan Croke website or by watching “A Current Affair” on Channel 9 from the 28th January 2021 about the secret philanthropist: Dan Croke.